Animal & Owner Details

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The history of -- over the last year with one bar per week.
Long Term Overview

About the History charts

Each of the history charts will show your pets activities over the past year. Each bar represents a 7 day period and shows the total number of hours your pet spent doing that activity during that period. Hovering your mouse over a bar will give you the exact figure.

Monitoring exercise goals, sleeping habits and scratching levels are all very easy using these charts as they make it easy to spot changes in your pets behaviour over time.

Yesterday Last 7
Last 28
52 Week History
Running hrs hrs hrs
Walking hrs hrs hrs
Awake/Moving hrs hrs hrs
Sleeping hrs hrs hrs
Scratching hrs hrs hrs

Most Recent:
Daily Activity for -- on --

About the Daily Activity chart

The Heyrex system identifies if your pet is running, walking continuously, awake/moving (not walking or running) or sleeping. When you first sign in, the chart below will show any data recorded today. You can look at other days using either the 'previous day' or the 'pick date' buttons.

It is likely that your pet will have done multiple things during each 15 minute segment of the chart. The most prevalent activity in each period is indicated by a thick green line. Other minor activities are indicated by a thin green line and shading either side of the main activity line. By hovering your mouse over each point you can find out how much time your pet spent doing each activity for that 15 minute period.

Scratching is detected independently and is displayed as blue bars below the green activity line. Each blue bar is the amount of time spent scratching in that 15 minute period. Please note that scratching can also include head shaking.

Main Activity
Minor Activities
When many activities occur in a short span of time, the activity occuring most is shown by the thick green line and the lightly shaded area indicate activities that only occurred briefly.

The temperature as felt by -- on --.
Experiential Temperature

About the Experiential Temperature chart

Each point on the temperature chart is the average temperature over a 15 minute period.

This temperature is not your pet's core body temperature. It is the temperature your pet 'experiences' and it will often fall somewhere between body temperature and air temperature, showing times when your pet may have been too cold, or too hot.